Architecture, Interiors
Inspired by the curtain fig tree, a vine like distinctive façade and screens begins in the open foyer, and continues through the canopy and up the two towers tower like roots of a curtain fig tree. It provides soft dappled light through to units behind whiles maintaining both openness and privacy. The towers are linked with a 4 storey canopy which serves as the overarching element tying together the architectural components from the street, foyer, podium and towers in one rainforest scale space.
The gables of the Queenslander are re-invented in the podium level balcony soffits. Broad timber lined spaces activate the street. The Cairns vernacular is replaced in favour of simple modern lines and forms; re-focusing the experience to lush greenery and feel of the rainforest canopy. 163 Abbott consists of 210 hotel suites and 110 apartments which seamlessly share the ground floor hotel foyer, common meeting spaces and food and beverage.
The project was designed and documented by CA Architects in association with TPG Architects.