Urban Design
In October 2014 Hinchinbrook Shire Council approached the JCU Centre of tropical Urban and Regional Planning to partner with council to develop a new master plan for Ingham. As one of the industry experts which JCU in turn engaged as part of the project, Gisela acted as mentor to the students throughout the project to ensure delivery of industry standard plans and design.
CA Architects helped facilitate a one-week workshop in 2014 to develop a concept to revitalize the CBD. Through this stimulating interactive process, the following guiding principles were adopted for the Overall
CBD Development Guidelines:
Council allocated funds for the implementation of the first two stages and in 2015 JCU and industry experts were invited back to further develop the heart of the precinct, the Youth Hub.
Independent from the involvement with JCU as part of the “Urban Design Studio”, CA Architects were engaged with a team of sub-consultants to develop the concepts for the main street in Ingham as well as the precinct connecting the main street back to the main tourist attraction (TYTO) into a buildable design solution.