Urban Design
Cassowary Regional Council developed a partnership with James Cook University and three design firms involved the process: CA Architects, TPG Architects and Andrew Prowse Landscape Architect. The team ran an intensive and design studio in Innisfail which combined the knowledge and expertise of academics, local planners, industry experts and students.
Together we developed a vision for a liveable and vibrant town centre that connects the Bruce Highway with Fitzgerald Esplanade and entices passing visitors into the town.
The Masterplan document summarises key strategies to create a revitalized townscape. It includes an analysis of the constraints and opportunities provided by Innisfail’s unique heritage and its natural assets including the working harbour.
It devises wayfinding strategies to increase the legibility of Innisfail and ways to show off its distinctive character. The staging of upgrades to Anzac Park, Edith Street and Fitzgerald Esplanade are all integral to this vision.